Graham Statt

Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Summerland, British Columbia and previous ADM of the Pharmaceutical and Supplementary Benefits Division in Alberta Health

Graham Statt is the Chief Administrative Officer for the District of Summerland, British Columbia, leading the city’s administration in the delivery all public utilities, services, infrastructure, and responsible development.

Before his time in local government, Graham spent nearly two decades in Alberta’s public service in five different Ministries, holding three different Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) portfolios during that time.  From 2017 to 2020 Graham was the ADM of the Pharmaceutical and Supplementary Benefits Division in Alberta Health, where he was accountable for Alberta’s Drug Formulary and government-sponsored community and specialty drug programs, the Alberta Health Care Insurance Program, and the compensation of physicians throughout the province.  Project highlights include leading the successful negotiation of a new Pharmacy Compensation Agreement for Alberta as well the first Dental Fee Guide for Alberta in more than a decade.  Participation in key national initiatives included his appointment to Canada’s Task Force for National Pharmacare, as well as FPT health care insurance negotiations for program changes under the Canada Health Act.

Graham also served as the Vice-Chair of the Pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance (PcPA), Canada’s national coordinating body for conducting collective, expert-informed negotiations for drugs.  While in this role he also provided leadership along with BC and Ontario for the Rare Disease Steering Committee of the PcPA.  As a public payor in Canada’s pharmaceutical ecosystem, Graham oversaw development of a reimbursement policy to support Biosimilar switching for Alberta, the roll-out of a broad generics strategy for public drug programs, and innovative work with AHS to be the first western province supporting delivery of CAR-T cell therapy.

Graham completed his time with the Ministry of Health as the Incident Commander for COVID-19 during the first three waves of the pandemic, directly supporting the Minister, Premier and Cabinet in Alberta’s overall response.